Tuesday 8 September 2015

September 2015 // Readings on Refugee Crisis.

The current syrian refugee crisis is extremely similar to the recent rohingyan refugee crisis in south east asian countries (mainly malaysia, thailand and indonesia). The syrian refugee crisis was only recently acknowledged worldwide after the body of a little boy named Aylan Kurdi was washed up on a beach in Turkey. Picture spread (against the will of his family. His aunty specifically requested for the picture of his dead body to not be spread) and his story, along with his family's caught on a wildfire and more and more news started recognizing that Aylan's story is not an isolated one and they started covering the root of the problem, refugee crisis.

(Before reading the articles below, please read my previous post on Warsan Shire poetry. Thanks.)

"It is up to the social movements, the Left, and the self-organization of the refugees themselves to turn this moment into a coherent political response that addresses the root causes of the crisis and puts real pressure on the establishment to develop a solution — one that doesn’t involve more fences, more border guards, or more racist demagoguery.."

I'll stop here for now. I didn't know reading this would be as emotionally taxing as it is. May Allah ease their burdens and give them strength. Fi amanillah.