Sunday 24 June 2018

being online.

Documenting your thoughts and experiences by photographing, journaling, writing, drawing is always so fun and refreshing. Documenting your experiences gives you another chance to relive those memories and documenting your thoughts gives you a chance to go over them and refine/ edit them. 

It's slightly different when you do it online. You're exposing a part of yourself to people who you may or may not know. You feel naked somehow. Vulnerable. You're putting yourself out there to be judged and evaluated. And its strange, because all of us bare our souls on the internet to a certain extent, and because the internet is so saturated with other peoples' thoughts and experiences, yours get drowned in a sea of them. 

But sometimes it sticks out, too. This space is really precious for me (I'm so amazed + baffled over the fact that I've had it since 2014 and not hate or want to delete this blog alhamdulillah) and it's nice to see the progress that I've been in. But also kinda weird when I realise that people read this. It's stupid, I know, how naive can I be, I'm on the internet for god's sake. But it feels strange and it makes me feel like I have to edit myself, tone it down or tone it up to suit an image of me that people have in their heads when I made this space so I can become more of me.