Tuesday 9 August 2022

Books for Babies (a.k.a My Personal Favourites) - Part 2

This is a continuation of a series of blog posts. You may find Part 1: Introducing Books to Babies here.

Here is a list of books I'd definitely recommend for your little one! I've read them over and over again to the point that I've memorized them. Sometimes I even just read them aloud from memory while my baby flipped through the pages. Haha. 

I started reading the following books when my son was about 8-9 months old. I was reading books to him since he was a newborn but I would consider the books I read to be the 'wrong books'. Hahah. You can start reading these books to your baby at even at a newborn age, for the bond and for them to be familiar with the comfort of your voice. Alternatively, you can purchase high-contrast cards and books to help strengthen the baby's vision first and start reading these books at 1-2 months old, once their vision has developed. It's up to you!

1. Brown Bear, Brown Bear 🐻
Nice rhyme and story flow, includes animals.

2. Dear Zoo 🦁
A lift-the-flap book. Repetitive and includes animals. 

3. Where’s Spot? 🐶
A lift-the-flap book. Repetitive and includes animals.

4. That’s Not My Kitten 🐈
The book is repetitive and tactile. Includes different textures for a sensorial experience.

5. Baby Faces by DK 👶
Contains real pictures of babies with different emotions.

6. Making Faces: A First Book of Emotions 👶
Contains real pictures of babies with different emotions. Has a mirror at the end so your little one will be able to see themselves!

7. Let’s go to Makkah
High contrast book. The range of books produced by this series is suitable to be read from birth because of the high contrasting pictures.

8. The Very Hungry Caterpillar 🐛
Nice story flow, repetitive, includes fruits.

9. The Very Busy Spider 🕷
Nice story flow, repetitive, includes animal sounds.

Books I personally did not have and have not read but will probably purchase if / when I have more children (in shaa Allah): 

  • Moo, Baa, La La La
  • Peek-a Who?
  • Global Babies
  • Smile!
Lots of love and happy reading!